Tag: home decor tips


Designing with Intent: Preventing Misinterpretation of Multifunctional Spaces

Multifunctional spaces, a hallmark of contemporary living, embody a versatile blend of functionality and design finesse. However, the delicate challenge lies in discerning these multifunctional spaces from other design concepts like open-concept layouts, adaptable spaces, studio apartments, and beyond. This exploration delves into the subtle distinctions, illuminating the unique characteristics that set multifunctional spaces apart and prevent them from blending…

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8 Smart IKEA Hacks from the Pros

8 Smart IKEA Hacks from the Pros

Alright so decorating on a budget can be pretty tricky. A lot of stores charge good money for great home decor and appealing designs. In fact, it can get pretty stressful when looking for a good deal and sometimes we end up settling for something we don’t even want. There are plenty of home decor hacks that you can find to make the process a bit easier. If you are an IKEA-lover, check out these 8 smart IKEA hacks from the pros below to inspire you. 

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