8 Ideas Of Fantastic Furniture From Old Musical Instruments

Furniture that made from repurposed musical instrument looked as unique elements. They are not only functional but also aesthetic. You may get old musical instrument from garage sale and change them as fantastic furniture or accessories. However, you need to be more creative. See these following ideas of fantastic furniture from old musical instruments that may inspire you.

Magical Horn

Magical Horn

When your horn already broken because of something accident, don’t throw it away! You can repurpose it becomes more functional fixture. Like the picture that a horn may change as flowers pot that looks unique for your porch.

Clarinet for Lamp

Clarinet For Lamp

Clarinet has a great shape that may be repurposed into different thing. Here, this clarinet is used as lamp holder that appears unique and sophisticated. Furthermore, you may replace the color by painting it as you like.

Drum Chandelier

Drum Chandelier

Bravo! This is a wonderful idea to change your old drums as beautiful chandelier. Though they may look big but will not help you to make your room brighter. Choose a big room as well to hang these creative chandeliers.

Drums As Storage

Drums As Storage

Repurpose old drums to become more functional furniture may look as sophisticated idea. This one, shelves that may save some books tidily made from old drums. You only have to add a board at the center of each drum.

Guitar Plant Shelf

Guitar Plant Shelf

Save your succulents, cactus, or flowers at this clever storage design. A guitar can be repurposed as shelf just in minutes. You may hang this functional accessory at your porch to upgrade your veranda decoration.

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Junk Gypsy Guitar

Junk Gypsy Guitar

If you love your guitar very much but see it cannot be used as musical instrument any more, you may repurpose it as jewelry case. Save your nail polish, necklace, ring, or other jewelries at this creative storage design.

Bookcase From Piano

Bookcase From Piano

Grand piano may take large space to save. However, if it is already broken, you may repurpose it as bookcase to save your books. You may not need more budget to create this just basic carpentry skill and little bit time.

Home Office Desk

Home Office Desk

Repurpose old piano as home office desk also may help you to save your money. Rather than by a new desk, painting your old piano looks better. Further, add some lamps to look brighter. Then, finish your homework at this fantastic desk.


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