3 Tips to Make the Most of Small Garden

Having a limited space may make some people confused as what they can do with their small garden. Many of them think that there are not much they can do with a small garden. However, you don’t need to worry as there are a lot of things you can do to make the most of a small garden. 

1. Shelves for potting plants

The first small garden decoration you can use is shelves. This item is perfect for decorating small garden since it creates a lot of spaces for your plant pots. Therefore, you will be able to put a lot of plants in your garden by arranging them on vertical shelves. Not only is it perfect for potted plants. You can also add garden accessories to make your garden looks even more appealing despite the small space. Pick triangle-shaped shelves for a more aesthetic look.

Designing a small garden is not a difficult job. One of them is arranging your favorite plants in a triangle plant rack. By using this way, potted plants will be neatly arranged and make your garden look elegant.

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Maximize used wood as a plant rack for small garden decorations is a great idea. The triangular shape of the plant rack makes the plants neat and fresh to look at.

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Triangular plant rack is very suitable for additional small garden decorations. With a large space, your favorite plants will look more alive. Your small garden also looks beautiful and comfortable to live in.

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If your small garden looks boring, try putting a plant rack to organize your favorite plants. The triangular shelf design is preferred because it gives aesthetic value to your small garden.

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The triangle rack has the function of arranging plant pots so that it is organized neatly. The shelf design in your small garden looks minimalist and refreshing eye view.

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2. Outdoor Planter box

Make use of the outside the kitchen. Built a planter box using sleepers and place them outdoor. This space is perfect for growing herbs. Therefore, you don’t need to go to the grocery stores to get some herbs for your cooking. Pick it from your planter box and it won’t be only pretty, but it is also useful too.

Installing a planter box under a window is a creative way to give green space to your home. Usually the box is planted with herb plants. The advantage is you do not need to buy some herbs at the grocery.

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Installing a planter box under the window is one of way to enhance the appearance of a small garden. With that simple box, you can use to plant some herbs to make it easier for you to get some herbs without going to the grocery.

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To make the small garden look beautiful, install the planter box under the window. The advantage is saving space and making your small garden more classy. Furthermore you can use the planter box to plant some kinds of herbs that you need for cooking without having to buy to the grocery.

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The planter box in the outfoor is a solution for those of you who have a garden in a restricted area. Simple and practical, the area around your small park will look unique and creative. You can use the planter box for herbs planter to make you easier to get some herbs in your home when suddenly you needed.

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Planter boxes are located under the windows provide benefits to support the appearance of your small garden. In addition to beautifying the garden, the box can be used to plant some herbs.

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Suddenly you need some herbs while you cooking, you can take advantages the planter box under the kitchen window to plant some herbs that you needs. Besides being cheap, a planter box under the window can beautify the area around a small garden.

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3. Adding low walls

Other small garden ideas worth to try is adding low walls. It does not only serve as a small garden decoration but also useful for protecting your plants. Build a low wall surrounding your beds of flowers. It can be doubled as decoration as well as a place to sit in case you have a lot of guests coming over to your house. This way, you don’t need to add a lot of chairs that can make your small garden looks and feel cramped.

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The small garden design will be more complete if a low wall is installed around it. Besides functioning to add a beautiful garden, the low wall can be used as a seat are for your guests.

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A brilliant idea for a small garden design that needs to be tried is to install a low wall. The low wall will map your plants and make the garden look more exclusively used to relax or gather.

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Installing a low wall in a garden area creates a simple but elegant garden appearance. With artistic wall engraving, your small garden looks luxurious.

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If you have limited seats when inviting friends to gather in the home garden, try to install a low wall in the garden area. In addition to replacing the role of a chair, the wall serves as a decoration for your small garden.

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Design your small garden by installing a low wall in the garden area. The wall can be used to relax when you are tired of working.

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By installing a low wall in the garden area, the plants will be neatly arranged. In addition, installing a low wall will make your garden more comfortable to sit and relax with family or friends.

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The creative idea for a small garden design is to install a low wall around the park. Especially if the walls are coated with certain carvings, then your small garden will look artistic and classy.

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Having a small garden doesn’t mean that you cannot decorate it or style it to make it looks more beautiful and sophisticated. You will only need certain tips and tricks to make the most of your small garden. 

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