5 Steps to Make DIY Shelf with Rope and Board

Don’t have the skill to make a complicated wall shelf? Try this easy DIY shelf with rope and board. You can finish this project during the weekend, making it a perfect way to add storage space affordably. This shelf is perfect store several hardcover books, trinkets, mini pots, or framed photos. 

Materials for DIY Shelf

Your main material is a board, minimum 1 m of length (you can cut it into any length you want). Get a board from woodworking store, warehouse, or carpentry workshop. Treat the wood with polyurethane first if it is untreated. The polyurethane is to prevent pests and bugs from damaging your wood. 

How to make a rack that needs to be considered is to coat the wooden boards with polyurethane. Polyurethane aims to make wood resistant to friction and prevent insects from damaging the wood boards.

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The main material for making simple shelves is wooden boards. Make sure your wood board has a strong texture and has been coated with polyurethane.

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Other materials for this simple wall shelf are two large hook screws, a length of rope, drill, and wall plugs. You can leave the wood bare or paint it with any color you want. Use neutral shade to match it with any interior.

When the wooden board is ready, make a few holes as you wish with a drill tool. The drill is efficient, does not waste energy and saves time.

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After the wooden boards have been perforated, install two large hook screws. This flavor aims to make your shelves look neat and aesthetic when on display.

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Choose your favorite color to paint the wood board. You can use neutral or bright colors.

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The rope functions to hang wooden boards on the wall. Choose a rope with a strong texture so that the wooden board does not collapse.

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Installing wooden boards with screws will make the rack design more sturdy for display.

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Here are the steps to make a DIY hanging shelf:
1. Treat your board (if untreated) and apply the paint you like. Let dry.

The first step you need to do to make a simple shelf is to paint a wooden board with your favorite color. Can use neutral colors like white or other colors.

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2. Drill two holes at each end of the board. Each hole should have a 10 mm size so you can slip the rope through easier. The position of each hole must be close to the plank corner.

If the wooden board has been painted, the next step is to use a drill to make a hole. Make two holes at each end of the board with a size of 10 mm to make the rope easier to slip.

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3. Cut two lengths from the rope. Each should have 4 x 1 m of length. Feed the end of the ropes through the holes and make tight knots underneath each hole.

Read  8 Cool Corner Shelves Ideas To Add Storage For Your Home
The third step to make shelves is to cut 4 x 1 m length of rope. Then insert the rope into the available hole and make a strong knot so that the shelf does not collapse.

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4. Test the ropes by placing various pieces of stuff on the plank and lift it from the ground.

After the rope is attached, you need to test the strength of the rope by putting a weight (pot) on a wooden board and lifting the board. If it doesn’t fall, then the rope is worth using.

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5. Drill the wall to attach the large hooks.

After the feasibility test of the rope, make a hole in the wall with the drill tool as a place for the hook screws. If it is installed, then a simple shelf you made can be used to put your favorite objects.

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If your shelf looks imbalanced, adjust the position by shifting the ropes. You can use the leftover materials to make a smaller, similar shelf, such as for the bathroom or mudroom.

If you have leftovers, you can make more shelves and place them on the bathroom wall. The shelf you can use to put toiletries. Is simple and practical.

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Create one more shelf if you have more ingredients left. Then place the rack in the room of your favorite house. Although simple and simple, the fact that your creation has aesthetic value and unlimited satisfaction because it can make home decor more elegant and unique.

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Making a DIY shelf with rope and board can be the start of other creative projects. Make your house more interesting by arranging your goods on this unique shelf. 

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