27 Personal Organization Tips to Make Your Home More Organized

There’s indeed no right and wrong way to organize your home. With these personal organization tips to follow, you’ll identify the right organizing method that will work best for you so you are living with less worry and saving time, energy, and money at the same time.

1. Arrange Items According to Frequently Use

Keep in mind that you need to keep the items you use daily at eye level and easy reach. Store the items you use once in a while in a higher place and the things you use only once a year deserve the highest place. You’ll love to invest handy high shelving for this storage system.

When you arrange items in your home, then place items that are often used in areas that are easily accessible. So this method will be more effective and efficient.

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Keep items that are worn at eye level every day for easy access. Use the top shelf to store items that are used occasionally.

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Vertical hanging shoe racks are the right storage ideas for minimalist home decor. Use the bottom shelf for shoes that are often used every day.

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Because herbs are used every time in cooking, then you can put it on the bottom in a storage cabinet. Add a basket to store items that are used occasionally.
High shelves are useful for this storage system, you can use the bottom shelf to place items often used, so you will more easily reach them.

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Buy a rack with the shortest to highest size. By buying this rack, then you can easily sort out shoes that are used frequently or occasionally.

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One of the things that is needed when washing clothes is soap. Then put the lowest soap rack and use the top shelf to store clean items such as towels.

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2. Be a Quick Decisions Maker

The next crucial personal organization tip is to learn how to decide on whether to keep an item or not. Think about the duration of how long you’ve been not using it, one year is enough time to determine that you’re not going to use it anymore.

You should also make a quick decision to let go of items that don’t fit into the life you want to live, such as old clothes that no way can be fit anymore.

A bench that is also used as a shoe rack to be the right furniture for your home decoration. Use this multi functional furniture to store shoes that are still in use only.
One of the things you should pay attention to is storing shoes or not. Just save shoes that are still worn, then you can get rid of shoes that are damaged or unused.

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Decide the make up or make up tool according to resilience. You must get rid of it within one year to avoid this product expiration date.
Reduce your hangers in your closet in order to avoid a chaotic and messy atmosphere. Use the hanger in accordance with just the need, replace it with a new hanger when it starts to break.
When the chairs and wicker baskets have begun to crack or become porous, then all you have to do is replace them with new ones. This is an easy way to determine that you will not use it again.
When cooking utensils are getting dirty and are not suitable for use, removing them from the kitchen is something you should do. Because this will prevent you from an atmosphere that is less neat and comfortable.

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3. The 3 Rs Principals

Keep everything in order, these guiding principles may inspire you: reduce what you have to efficiently organize, be resourceful because you’ll find wiser ways to use your belongings when you have less and be resilient to find that you don’t have to rush out to buy something that you need.

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Learn to live a minimalist life, get rid of clothes or shoes that are not used. With this you can easily find items that are needed or what you are looking for.

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Take advantage of the vertical cabinet to store your clothes and shoes. Use it as efficiently as possible by placing items that you still use frequently.

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You can add rattan baskets or cloth bags in storage cabinets to store items according to their functions and uses. This method will make it easier for you to find the item you are looking for.

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Manage wisely your storage organization idea. A neat and open arrangement will not make you rush to buy something you need.

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Reduce items that are rarely used in your closet to be more efficient and effective in finding something you need. Using goods in moderation makes your life more minimalist.

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The use of hangers and baskets in the cupboard will find a wiser way to use goods. This idea will also help you to live more orderly and orderly.

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Maintain the use of goods in moderation in your storage cabinet to keep creating a neat and orderly atmosphere. Also here you can learn to live more frugally by not rushing to buy something you need.

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4. Expose Your Garbage Can

Don’t let anyone leave trash around your home. Take the trash can to an open location because it’s easier to do the cleaning when you can see the bin right in front of you. You also find the easiest way to be clutter-free.

Put the trash can in the open room so that it can be seen by guests who come to this house. So they will not leave rubbish anywhere.
Do not let anyone leave rubbish in your home, with this you can try it by using a trash can that is placed in the area everyone knows its existence.

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An easy way that you can try to avoid clutter in your home is to expose the trash in an open location. Avoid hidden trash can if you want to achieve your current desires.

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In order to keep your bathroom clean without trash, then provide a trash can that you often encounter. For example next to the toilet, this is the right idea for decorating your bathroom.

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The kitchen is also a place that is prone to chaos, so use the idea of garage garage exposure. This idea is quite cheap and easy for you to imitate in your kitchen decor.
Putting a garage trash in the middle of the kitchen aisle is the best solution you can try. This idea makes kitchen decoration free from clutter.
Putting a trash can in an open area is one way to avoid the chaos that occurs. With this you will easily dispose of trash in its place.

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No more clutter and wasting now, make sure to follow these personal organization tips to well organize your home living.


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