8 Unexpected Backyard Furniture Ideas That Unique and Cheap

Outdoor view will always look interesting to see. You can rest your mind and boost your mood just because seeing wonderful scenery at your own house area. However, you need some furniture for your backyard. If you don’t want to spend much money to buy the new one, it will be more exited to create furniture with old material. Check these ideas below;

Old Tires for Coffee Table

Old Tires For Coffee Table

Here, old tires shouldn’t have to be thrown away. You may repurpose it for another useful thing. The creator makes a unique coffee table from two arranged tires that already painted with green color. Of course, you don’t have to spend much money.

Big Wood Log Chair

Big Wood Log Chair

Wood log will be more useful as this DIY wood stools. With minimum budget, you may create it as your weekend project along with your kids. No need to think more about design. You only have to make sure the pillow shape for the top of wood log.

Vintage Milk Jug Side Tables

Vintage Milk Jug Side Tables

Change old milk jugs to this beautiful vintage milk jug side table need not hard things to do. Use a drill and screws to create this wonderful furniture with the stained wood on top. Feel free to paint the jugs with any colors as you like.

Fantastic Log Lounger

Fantastic Log Lounger

If you have some wood logs, cut them with chainsaw at the same size. In other simple way, just but the logs that already cut before. Arrange the log till it shape like lounger and attach them using nails and hammer.

Read  How to Create Proper Treehouse Designs for Your Yard

Black Tire Chairs

Black Tire Chairs

Here is another fantastic idea to repurpose old tire for more useful thing. Black old tire that will make you feel excited anytime sit on it. You have to add legs to make this old tire chair appear more inviting.

Gallon Steel Drum Seating

Gallon Steel Drum Seating

This is amazing backyard setting that will attract people attention. Take a look at these gallon steel drums that have been repurposed into beautiful seating. This awesome backyard furniture can easily made by you, but if you don’t have time you may buy it.

Old Plastic Crate

Old Plastic Crate

Spend your time this weekend to create this unexpected furniture. It is just an old plastic crate with bold color that changes as a chair. You have to put pillow to make comfortable seating.

Old Wine Barrel Table

Old Wine Barrel Table

With three old wine barrels, you can create this unique table to hold a backyard party. Prepare a big wooden board and attach it with three wine barrels.


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