8 Marvelous Ideas To Have Hidden Storage That No One Will Guest

There are many ways to create storage for your house, though you have small room. However, create hidden storage may looked as challenging thing that trigger your creativity. You will find many spots to use as hidden treasure. Just take a look at these following hidden storage ideas that may inspire you;

Hidden Storage on A Shelf

Hidden Storage On A Shelf

You may have some shelves hanged on the wall to save your small things. However, it may surprise to see a hidden storage on it. These reclaimed wood floating shelves provide you brilliant ideas to add storage just in simple step.

Storage on Switch

Storage On Switch

Bravo! You can save money or other valuable objects at this hidden outlet wall storage. Even, the design looks like a switch. No one will guests that there is storage inside a switch.

Storage Behind the Mirror

Storage Behind The Mirror

Have you ever seen this wonderful idea before? There is a hidden storage behind the mirror that can be used to save many things. It can be your accessories, perfumes, or even jewelries.

Storage On the Table

Storage On The Table

You can buy this mid century side table or create it by yourself this weekend. The storage can save your tiny things or small books. Just make sure that you remember if there is storage on this side table.

Chair Storage

Chair Storage

Dare to create secret compartment like this chair with hidden storage? If it is yes, you need to spend more time. Though the chair is design in simple shape, but the storage inside tell you vice versa. You need to have advance carpentry skill to create this chair.

Read  40 Proper Shed Storage Ideas

Storage Under The Window

Storage Under The Window

This window looked as common window style. However, you will not think that it has storage underneath. You may save anything whether pencil, book, fabric, or others.

Hidden Bathroom Storage

Hidden Bathroom Storage

If you don’t have space anymore at your bathroom, you may create this hidden storage. You are free to save your soaps, shampoo, or other essential at this part. Even if you only have small bathroom, this storage will help you so much.

Cool Headboard

Cool Headboard

This amazing idea will help you to save extra pillows tidily without makes the room cluttered. A place inside the headboard is great space to use as hidden storage. So, do you want to copy this idea?

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